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Robert Edward Grant Think Tank

Think Tank: The Robert Edward Grant Podcast with Michael Ashley

Join Robert and Michael as they discuss the future of humanity in the age of AI and politics. 


Michael Ashley, who co-authored the book “Neuromined,” with Robert, joins him to discuss the future of humanity in the age of AI and politics. In this thought-provoking conversation, they explore the potential impact on society if governments were to use the power of AI to control narrative, movement, and our ability to speak freely. Using recent examples of Western governments moving in that direction, they highlight the disturbing actions of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when he created a false narrative around the Canadian trucker convoy and subsequently froze the bank accounts of anyone involved or seen to support it.

They also discuss the implications of CBDC (programmable money) and how it would make it easier for governments to enact similar actions. The conversation then takes a fascinating turn toward the “15-minute cities” concept and how it might end up restricting the movement of people instead of providing convenience. They also talk about the rise of conspiracy theories and how they have been proven correct far too often in recent times. Furthermore, they delve into big tech, working with the government to control the “narrative” and influence how people vote and the looming threat of deep fakes and foreign governments using them to manipulate public trust. In summary, this podcast provides a valuable perspective on the future of humanity and the potential consequences of AI and political control.

About our featured guest:

A former Disney screenwriter and professional speaker, Michael Ashley is the author of over twenty-five books on numerous subjects, including four bestsellers. Michael serves as a columnist with Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Green Entrepreneur. Before starting his own creative content agency, he began his career as a playwright and a newspaper reporter. A former screenwriting professor at Chapman University, he has been featured in KTLA, Entertainment Weekly, The National Examiner, the United Nations’ ITU News, The Orange County Business Journal, Fox Sports Radio, and The Orange County Register. The co-host of Changing the Story Podcast and United Nations’ Artistic Intelligence series, Michael serves as a story consultant for companies on how to best convey their messaging.

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Neuromind builds on Robert's showcase of groundbreaking publications. This powerful book looks at a digital curtain that has descended upon humanity: technocracy.

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