Great minds think outside the box. Geniuses think outside the building the box is in. Robert doesn’t even see the building.
— Alan Green

Robert’s first publication in the field of Mathematics and Number Theory. It is intended to be the first of a series of (many) upcoming publications related to Unified Mathematics complementing the Unified Physics model. These Number Theory advances will open new doorways if understanding for our world and enable many new technologies spanning the spectrum EMGR (Electro-Magneto-Gravito-Radiation) with far-reaching implications in the fields of mathematics, physics, and cryptography among others.
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ONE THOUGHT PERCEIVED FOUR WAYS (which then fractal into infinite perceptions of the ONE THOUGHT)….. ‘The Right Triangle IS the ONLY GEOMETRIC UNITY Principle.’ Any structure in the entire Universe can be broken down into fractalized Right Triangles (All Polygons, Polyhedra and Polytopes can be this reduced to Right Triangles). The Number Ratio creates Right Triangles.
Art takes those proportions to FORM. Music is the Depth (introducing a Z axis) and Mass associated with Form, bringing weight and gravity to concepts/ideas. Musical Intervals are all Right Triangle relationships also.
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NEW DISCOVERY: The solution for the perfect Squaring (area = π) of the Circle using only a Compass and a Straight Edge.
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NEW DISCOVERY: The solution to the Cube of Delos Problem: Doubling the Volume of a given Cube using only a Compass and a Straight Edge.
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NEW DISCOVERY: Trisecting the Angle using only a Compass and a Straight Edge.
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NEW DISCOVERY (LAST NIGHT 9-1-21): The ‘Enkehedron’: – A NEW GEOMETRIC POLYTOPE comprised of REGULAR (equilateral) HEPTAGONS. It’s made only of Regular Heptagons (16 of them), (14 squares), (4 Silver Ratio Rectangles) and (8 Isosceles Triangles). 42 total sides…..(divisible by 7). It’s Angular Sum is 22,320°…..and the square root of this is 149°23’…..1.4920 = The Newly Discovered Platinum Ratio….. derived from the Silver Ratio (2.4142) /Golden Ratio (1.61803) = 1.4920 (Platinum Ratio). So far, this new Polytope appears to be entirely novel to the research/geometric literature. This shape closely resembles that of a BRAIN 🧠. Interesting that the Granthahedron is shaped like a HEART and this one is shaped like a BRAIN 🧠. What shall we name this one??? The “Brain-a-Hedron”?
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Authors: Robert E. Grant, Talal Ghannam, Naomi Mathew
In this paper, we re-derive Fermat’s factorization identity through a geometrical approach. We exploit its Pythagorean triangle configuration to investigate the relationship between the sum of two numbers and their product. This visual perspective of numbers enhances our understanding of their nature, equipping us with the tools to tackle unsolved problems in number theory with a completely new approach.
Although addition and multiplication are widely considered to be relatively simple operations in mathematics, little is known about the relationship between the sum of two numbers and their product. This open problem in number theory has been difficult to solve. One breakthrough was the Erdos Szemeredi Theorem, which was proven in 1983. Rather than directly defining a relationship between the sum and product, Paul Erdos and Endre Szemeredi approached this problem by comparing the sum grid for a set of integers to its product grid.
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The Constructing & Drawing of “Impossible” Polygons.
Performed solely using the Compass and Straight Edge with no measurements in accordance with the Ancient Greek Method.
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