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Two Iconic Images: The Mona Lisa (Joconde @t.h.e.louvre) and the Self Portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci himself (The Royal Library of Turin)….NEW DISCOVERY: the two images perfectly overlay on top of each other revealing that both faces to be NOT ONLY identical matches (some have posited and published this previously) and ALSO the images are intended to be superimposed thus revealing transitions through TIME for (Mona Lisa age transitions) as well as the transitions between GENDER polarities.

Da Vinci made a self portrait of the Mona Lisa…and he is telling us something about the nature of time and polarity…Perhaps that the duality of time and the polarity of gender is only an illusion…We are ‘As-ONE’ and not, in fact, separate at all.

The Hermetic Principle of Polarity
• “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.”
Opposites are merely extremes of the same thing (e.g., hot and cold, love and hate). Understanding polarity allows for transformation and balance

The Hermetic Principle of Gender
• “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”
Masculine and feminine energies exist in all things and are essential for creation and balance. This principle extends beyond physical gender to spiritual and mental dualities.