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The Da Vinci Construction Box (in its entirety) can be compressed into a ONE LETTER ‘T’ Abbreviation: the Letter Tau. This Tau Compression allows the Alchemist to decrypt the Alpha-Chi-Omega symbols as well as perform the following ‘impossible’ tasks according to the Ancient Greek Rules of Compass and Straight Edge Geometric Construction (with NO


1. Squaring the Circle (3-Ways).
2. Doubling the Cube of Delos.
3. The Perfect construction of all prime number polygons (at least up to integer 24 and probably many many more).

All you need is the letter ‘T‘…..

Furthermore, the Back Panel of the ‘Mona Lisa’ (by Leonardo Da Vinci) CONTAINS ENCRYPTED Symbology: T (See the conspicuously placed and shaped “Double “T” (and sideways horizontally oriented “H” in the decorative wooden inlays!) as well as another “H” which appears to be deeply etched into the wood (the combination of which creates a backward TH.TH = Thoth).

In addition to a faint but recognizable reference to 432 (another reference to Thoth and the Pythagorean Tetractys for the Hebrew letters of ‘Yahweh’), adjacent to a very clearly written number 29. Based on very extensive research on this topic and recognizing Da Vinci’s common encryption subjects, the “TH” as a very common and recognizable Rosicrucian reference to the Egyptian Pantheon God Thoth (Hermes in the Greek Pantheon and Mercury in the Roman Pantheon).

“TH” is a common encryption method particularly among Renaissance period (Rosicrucian/Hermetic) Cryptographers (including John Dee, Sir Francis Bacon and Edward DeVere–All Rosicrucian Hermeticists), of which Leonardo was also very well known to have been a long-time member. Furthermore, there is a red stamp with what looks to be the letter “R” adjacent to a Fleur de Lys flanked by an unrecognizable letter to the left side, both being topped by a capital letter A inscribed within a circle (yet another Rosicrucian symbol representing the ‘ΑΩ’–the mark of the Divine)…just a simple Museum stamp, or something more?