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On July 14, 2014 I hosted an educational session in the Loeb House at Harvard Business School. During the educational sessions, I met an interesting man that gave me a 1942 photograph of Franklin D. Roosevelt endorsing a Boston Mayoral candidate. Something about that photograph penetrated deeply into my consciousness.
Upon returning to the class session by one of the top and most dynamic professors in the Harvard Business School, I found that I could no longer focus on the subject matter of the lecture and instead found my mind drifting inexplicably toward physics and mathematics. I became so engrossed that the professor asked me to share exactly what I had been so ardently sketching in my notebook with the rest of the class. I could only respond with a smile, politely declining her request.
For the next several months I continued this inward mental exploration at home and while traveling. I often would laugh to myself when wondering what the person sitting next to me on a plane might be thinking as she/he watched me sketch intricate drawings and mathematical equations for sometimes hours on end.

Now, more than ten thousand sketches and pages later and ten white paper publications (in mathematics and physics), I am publishing this curated compendium of my work spanning mathematics, physics, music, language and art. In fact, I’ve often found that my most significant self-realizations and discoveries in science almost always found their expressions through an artistic medium.

For many years, I sought to delve deeply into life’s most profound questions: Who are we? Why are we here? What is next and ultimately where are we going? Does life end in a dark oblivion or is it simply a transition to another evolution? What does self-actualization actually mean? Why do we judge others (and ourselves) so harshly? What is the nature of love? What is the language of consciousness?
In order to address these very difficult questions, I attempted to mentally reconstruct the language of mathematics, arguably the most objective of sciences. Starting with 1+1 = 2, I proceeded to question everything I had come to assume over almost fifty years of both formal education and autodidactic learning. I was determined to assume nothing, reconstructing both the objective and the subjective from the most basic to the most complex of mental and physical constructs.

Until very recently, I never intended that this work would ever be published. To me, it was always a deeply personal journey. And when I was asked by many friends and colleagues to publish the work, I honestly resisted doing so for several years. But ultimately, I realized that my journey of self-discovery may in some way be helpful to others pursuing their individual path of understanding.
I strongly believe that the balance of art, science and number can have a powerful impact on human consciousness and evolution. I hope you sincerely enjoy this work and medium while browsing through its pages, seeking to feel the sincere intention with which it has been both organized and conveyed.
Above all, I hope that it inspires you to ask life’s most significant of questions and to realize that the most enigmatic answers may ultimately be found in the wonder of self-discovery.
Robert Grant