1.) 24 = 4x3x2x1 — Pythagoras’ Tetractys
2.) (((10^.5)/10)+1)^1/.24)-(((((4/π)/2)+1)*10^2)/360)*10^-3 = 3.1415926 (perfect π to six decimal places)
3.) 360°-(φ x 360°) = 2.4 Radians (137.51°—The Golden Angle), (One Radian = 57.296°)
4.) Fibonacci Numbers in Digital Root (Mod 9) analysis (reduction to single digit thru simple addition in Mod 9) PATTERN REPEATS every 24 numbers
5.) Musical scales possess 12 notes per Octave (sine wave) and an additional 12 notes for the next octave (cosine), there are 24 total Major and Minor Keys
6.) The Vector Equilibrium (Cube Octahedron) has 24 edges
7.) >3 All Prime Numbers (and Quasi Primes) are arranged in Mod 24 (spoke 1,5,7,11,13,17,19,23) without exception
8.) >3, All Prime^2 values are multiples of 24,+1 without exception
9.) The full Flower of Life has exactly 24 circles in its outermost perimeter
10.). (π^π)/(e^e) = 2.4
What is it about this number? Is it because it is the smallest of only three Prime and Quasi Prime number pairs (.571 (Ω) and 175 (1/Ω)/.731 (α) and 137 (1/α)) whose Reciprocal Value is equal to it’s Palindrome (24 has a Palindrome of 42 AND 1/24 = .042). Interestingly and even more enigmatically 137/57 = 2.4 AND 175/73 = 2.4 as well…
Also, we have 24 hours in one day, and the Sum of Interior Angles of a 24-sided polygon (Icositetragon) is 3960°….which also happens to be the exact Radius of the Earth in miles… Was Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy right after all in proposing that the ANSWER to the Universe really is 42 (and therefore it’s reciprocal value of 24)?
Food for thought…
Art by RG.