DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics The Granthahedron & Enkehedron Families of Novel Geometric Polytopes The 'Granthahedron' Newly DISCOVERED Geometry (January 30, 2021)-- The 'Granthahedron' : The World's First (Known) Pentagonal…will-Admin99September 1, 2021
Drawing/SculptureUniversal Geometry Constructing “Impossible” Polygons + How to Draw Them Hendecagon Constructing the (Supposedly) “Impossible” Hendecagon (11-sided Polygon) Using only a Compass and Straight Edge with…will-Admin99June 30, 2021
Biz/EntrepreneurNews/Press Orange County Business Journal features Robert Grant WHY: Involved with healthcare, technology, and security companies over the past two decades. Exec roles at…will-Admin99February 17, 2021
DiscoveriesUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Base 12 Integers. New number positions? Is the natural numbering system actually a Base-12 Integer System (and thus matching the chromatic musical…will-Admin99September 4, 2020
Biz/EntrepreneurNews/Press It’s Time to Fight Back for Data Sovereignty What is the most valuable commodity today? The answer might surprise you. To put this inquiry…will-Admin99July 21, 2019
Biz/EntrepreneurNews/Press The Morning Leverage: Three Executives Team Up to Target Taiwan Investment firm Strathspey Crown appears to be embracing the uncertainties surrounding health-care reform with open arms.…will-Admin99April 30, 2013
Biz/EntrepreneurNews/Press Eyelash of the Beholder A great deal of advertising is about problems and inadequacies, the tangible and intangible shortcomings in…will-Admin99July 31, 2009
Biz/EntrepreneurNews/Press Wrinkle Rivals Go to War COKE or Pepsi? Mac or PC? Restylane or Juvéderm? The last two products, cosmetic injections used…will-Admin99November 9, 2006
Biz/EntrepreneurNews/Press Love the New Lips! From the Mall? DALLAS - AMANDA JACKSON, a 32-year-old insurance account manager, lay on a white leather recliner in…will-Admin99October 26, 2006