DiscoveriesHealthcareUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry The Geometry of Higher Order DNA NEW DISCOVERY: Whereas the current understanding of DNA is based upon a stacking array of Dodecahedra,…Jamie JanoverJanuary 10, 2023
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics The Ratio of the Great Pyramid’s Half Base Yields the Precise Slope Angle of the Great Pyramid Continuation from this morning's DISCOVERY POST A*X*Ω = 1.00 (three pairs of 'Doubled Mirrored' Numbers: 73/137;…Jamie JanoverDecember 24, 2022
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics ‘Super Numbers’ are ‘Connected’ Through Each Other and Multiply Back to UNITY NEW DISCOVERY (12.18.22): ‘Super Numbers' (there are ONLY three pairs of numbers whose Palindromes are ≈…Jamie JanoverDecember 18, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics A Mathematical Relationship to the Winged Solar Disk of Ancient Civilizations A Mathematical Relationship to the Winged Solar Disk of Ancient Civilizations (Blue Below) and a Circle…Jamie JanoverDecember 7, 2022
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics Unity Theory UNITY THEORY: "We are all divisions of the Number ONE": x (You) and 1/x (You-inverse).... Spectral…Jamie JanoverDecember 4, 2022
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry How The Euler Number Is The Limit On The Speed Of Light NEW (Re) DISCOVERY: I've been searching for these geometric relationships for a very long time.....How the…Jamie JanoverNovember 27, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveries What Is That Mysterious Object On Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’ What is that (next to the knife Peter appears to be holding behind his back) on…Jamie JanoverOctober 25, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry The Alchemy of the Arts and Sciences The Alchemy of the Arts and Sciences; from Formless to Form; Abstraction to Concretion; Logos to…Jamie JanoverOctober 15, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Great Pyramid Appears To Be ‘Cipher’ To ‘Holy Number’ : 432 The Great Pyramid appears to be the 'Cipher' to the 'Holy Number' : 432 Cipher which…Jamie JanoverOctober 13, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Great Pyramid’s Proportions A Key Cipher For Pythagorean Tetractys / Tetragrammaton NEW (RE) DISCOVERY: The Great Pyramid's Precise Proportions as a Key Cipher for the Pythagorean Tetractys/Tetragrammaton.…Jamie JanoverOctober 13, 2022