DiscoveriesUnified Math/Physics Fractal Roots in Right Triangles A Right Triangle with a Hypotenuse of 4.32 and a Base of 1/.432 will have a…Robert GrantJanuary 24, 2021
DiscoveriesUnified Math/Physics Flower of Life & 432 NEW DISCOVERY (01-10-21): I have spoken a lot about the Number 432 on MANY occasions and…Robert GrantJanuary 10, 2021
Number TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsVideo Monadic Geometricity "Convergence Theory" is the culmination of a mathematical/philosophical work by Robert Edward Grant with the collaboration…Robert GrantJanuary 9, 2021
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics Prime Factorization Right Triangles in the Flower of Life NEW DISCOVERY NEW GEOMETRIC/NUMBER THEORY DISCOVERY -- January 3, 2021: When Hypotenuse values are equilibrated to…Robert GrantJanuary 3, 2021
Media/PodcastsNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics Robert Edward Grant on the Crypto OG Show Podcast with Oto Gomes Robert Edward Grant on the Oto Gomes PodcastRobert GrantDecember 31, 2020
Media/PodcastsNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics “Turning Gears” Podcast with Special Guest Amber Kahn Amber (@amberkhan; @thequietestrevolution on Instagram) is a dear friend who interviewed me on her Quietest Revolution…Robert GrantDecember 30, 2020
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics Perfect Squaring of the Circle in Two Methods NEW DISCOVERY (10/31/20): This is a mathematically PERFECT and TRANSCENDENTAL MATCH for BOTH METHODS OF SQUARING…Robert GrantDecember 26, 2020
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics The Complementary Root NEW DISCOVERY (Boxing Day, 2020): THE COMPLEMENTARY ROOT. ALL Numbers can be expressed as a Pythagorean…Robert GrantDecember 26, 2020
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics Prime Factor-Based Encryptions Rendered Useless by Right Triangle-Based Constant Time Solution NEW DISCOVERY NEW GEOMETRIC DISCOVERY (THE MOST SIGNIFICANT I'VE MADE THUS FAR): Prime Factor-Based Encryptions (both…Robert GrantDecember 24, 2020
Media/PodcastsNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics “Turning Gears” Podcast #2 with Special Guest: MAEJOR Maejor and I met and became fast friends in 2018 on a Resonance Science Foundation trip…Robert GrantDecember 21, 2020