Number TheoryUnified Math/Physics Is Prime Number Factorization the basis for a new Unification Theory of Physics? When two Prime Numbers (x and y) are multiplied, are they likewise added in some other…Robert GrantDecember 20, 2020
Media/PodcastsNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics Robert Edward Grant & Suzi Grant on Alan Green’s “Bardcast” Robert Edward Grant and his wife, Suzi, joined Robert's friend and research collaborator Alan Green, also…Robert GrantDecember 20, 2020
Number TheoryUnified Math/Physics The 3-4-5 Pythagorean Triangle is Inherent to the Flower of Life The 3-4-5 Pythagorean Triangle is inherent to the Flower of Life.....AND it is the PRECISE foundational…Robert GrantDecember 16, 2020
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics Universal Mathematics is a Ratio and Perception-Based Programming Language NEW DISCOVERY Universal Mathematics is a Ratio and Perception/Based ('Self-Similar' at all Scales) Programming Language comprised…Robert GrantDecember 12, 2020
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics The Flower of Life Informs All Possible Right Triangle Configurations of Factorization NEW DISCOVERY The Flower of Life informs all possible right triangle configurations of factorization as a…Robert GrantDecember 12, 2020
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics Are you Sovereign? 20/20 has indeed been an eye-opening year. The Year of the Global Awakening. It has revealed…Robert GrantDecember 9, 2020
Biz/EntrepreneurMedia/PodcastsNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsVideo Robert Edward Grant Documentary "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and…Robert GrantDecember 3, 2020
Number TheoryUnified Math/Physics Nature’s Ruler: The Flower of Life-Tube Torus NEW DISCOVERY (11.2.20): The Flower of Life Informs a Ratio-Based Measurement System as an inherency of…Robert GrantNovember 2, 2020
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics 1/(e^π) = 432(10^-4) NEW DISCOVERY New discovery today (10/20/2020): 1/(e^π) = 432(10^-4). A few months ago I found that…Robert GrantOctober 20, 2020
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics The Pythagorean / Triangular Relationship of ADDITION, SUBTRACTION and MULTIPLICATION of Prime Factors NEW DISCOVERY NEW MATHEMATICAL DISCOVERY (10/15/20): The Pythagorean/Triangular Relationship of ADDITION, SUBTRACTION and MULTIPLICATION of Prime…Robert GrantOctober 15, 2020