Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi and the Great Pyramid of Giza As a continuation of our decryption work of the Salvator Mundi, and proving its authenticity and…Jamie JanoverJanuary 4, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry The One ‘Φπe’ Equation of the Great Pyramid of Giza Let this one just soak in... For those that are strangely/strongly interested in the Great Pyramid…Jamie JanoverJanuary 3, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry 432 In Proportional Dimensions of the Great Pyramid Is there only ONE value (432) that matters when analyzing the Proportional Dimensions of the Great…Jamie JanoverJanuary 3, 2022
Media/PodcastsNews/Press Robert on iHeart Radio show Jan 1st, 2022 Robert Edward Grant will be appearing on iHeart Radio tonight at 6pm PST (California Time) Listen…will-Admin99January 1, 2022
DiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureUniversal Geometry The ‘Osirahedron’ Polytope NEW DISCOVERY (NEW YEAR's EVE, 2021): The 'Osirahedron' Polytope. This one came today from the investigation…Jamie JanoverDecember 31, 2021
DiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Universal Mathematics Universal Mathematics: 1,2,4,8,16,32,64, digital root (Mod 9): 1,2,4,8,7,5,1,2,4,8,7,5,1......All Prime numbers > 3 have digital roots of…Jamie JanoverDecember 23, 2021
DiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry The Cosmic Egg And ‘φπe’ In The Da Vinci Construction Box NEW DISCOVERY: The Cosmic Egg and the Universal Relationship of the 'φπe' embedded within the Da…Jamie JanoverDecember 9, 2021
DiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry New Equation to Derive Euler Number NEW DISCOVERY: A new and simple equation to derive the Euler Number to an astounding seven…Jamie JanoverDecember 5, 2021
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveries DISCOVERY of an ‘AχΩ’ at the Osirion Temple in Abydos, Egypt DISCOVERY of an 'AχΩ' at the Osirion Temple in Abydos, Egypt: Our group expedition named "Egypt2021AχΩ"…Jamie JanoverNovember 25, 2021
DiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Mod24 Spiral Squares the Circle Without Measurement NEW DISCOVERY The Mod24 Spiral (comprised entirely of logarithmic expansions of equilateral triangles) Squares the Circle…Jamie JanoverNovember 22, 2021