DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry The Mathematical Foundation of the (Spindle) Torus is (Prime) Factorization NEW DISCOVERY: The mathematical foundation of the (Spindle) Torus is (Prime) Factorization and in particular the…Jamie JanoverApril 30, 2023
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics The Ratio of the Great Pyramid’s Half Base Yields the Precise Slope Angle of the Great Pyramid Continuation from this morning's DISCOVERY POST A*X*Ω = 1.00 (three pairs of 'Doubled Mirrored' Numbers: 73/137;…Jamie JanoverDecember 24, 2022
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics ‘Super Numbers’ are ‘Connected’ Through Each Other and Multiply Back to UNITY NEW DISCOVERY (12.18.22): ‘Super Numbers' (there are ONLY three pairs of numbers whose Palindromes are ≈…Jamie JanoverDecember 18, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics A Mathematical Relationship to the Winged Solar Disk of Ancient Civilizations A Mathematical Relationship to the Winged Solar Disk of Ancient Civilizations (Blue Below) and a Circle…Jamie JanoverDecember 7, 2022
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/Physics Unity Theory UNITY THEORY: "We are all divisions of the Number ONE": x (You) and 1/x (You-inverse).... Spectral…Jamie JanoverDecember 4, 2022
DiscoveriesNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry How The Euler Number Is The Limit On The Speed Of Light NEW (Re) DISCOVERY: I've been searching for these geometric relationships for a very long time.....How the…Jamie JanoverNovember 27, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry The Alchemy of the Arts and Sciences The Alchemy of the Arts and Sciences; from Formless to Form; Abstraction to Concretion; Logos to…Jamie JanoverOctober 15, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Great Pyramid Appears To Be ‘Cipher’ To ‘Holy Number’ : 432 The Great Pyramid appears to be the 'Cipher' to the 'Holy Number' : 432 Cipher which…Jamie JanoverOctober 13, 2022
Ancient CivilizationsDiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Great Pyramid’s Proportions A Key Cipher For Pythagorean Tetractys / Tetragrammaton NEW (RE) DISCOVERY: The Great Pyramid's Precise Proportions as a Key Cipher for the Pythagorean Tetractys/Tetragrammaton.…Jamie JanoverOctober 13, 2022
DiscoveriesDrawing/SculptureNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Revisiting the ‘Luminiferous Aether’ Is it time to revisit the concept of the 'Luminiferous Aether' that was abandoned, (perhaps prematurely),…Jamie JanoverOctober 3, 2022