DiscoveriesUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry The ‘Tree of Life’ Geometry The extended ‘Tree of Life’ is inherent to the geometry of the Hexapentakis Truncated Icosahedron (see…Robert GrantJanuary 4, 2020
DiscoveriesUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Universal Measure Major (Re) Discovery Proving that the Foot, Sacred Egyptian Cubit and the Meter (AND our TIME…Robert GrantDecember 30, 2019
Number TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry The Enigma of 24 1.) 24 = 4x3x2x1 — Pythagoras’ Tetractys 2.) (((10^.5)/10)+1)^1/.24)-(((((4/π)/2)+1)*10^2)/360)*10^-3 = 3.1415926 (perfect π to six decimal…Robert GrantDecember 13, 2019
PublicationsUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal Geometry Mirror of Consciousness – Hardcover Book Now Available Book Link: On July 14, 2014 I hosted an educational session in the Loeb House…Robert GrantDecember 5, 2019
Ancient CivilizationsMedia/PodcastsUnified Math/Physics Robert Edward Grant on top of the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacan, Mexico Robert Edward Grant went live on top of the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacan, Mexico…Robert GrantNovember 21, 2019
DiscoveriesUnified Math/Physics The Directional Compass Is Time’s True Measurement Tool MAJOR (RE)DISCOVERY: THE DIRECTIONAL ‘COMPASS’ IS TIME’S TRUE MEASUREMENT TOOL”. I believe that this is my…Robert GrantOctober 30, 2019
Media/PodcastsMusic & Sonic GeometryNumber TheoryUnified Math/PhysicsUniversal GeometryVideo One is the Only Constant Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge • CPAK XI • October, 2019 Robert Edward Grant :…Jamie JanoverOctober 20, 2019
Media/PodcastsUnified Math/Physics Interview with Robert Edward Grant on “Privacy Piracy” "Privacy Piracy" host, Mari J. Frank, Esq. CIPP interviews Robert Edward Grant.Robert GrantSeptember 16, 2019
Teaching/CoursesUnified Math/Physics “The Etymology of Number” Online Course from Robert Edward Grant Robert Edward Grant presents "The Etymology of Number" "The Etymology of Number" is an online course…Robert GrantSeptember 8, 2019
DiscoveriesUnified Math/Physics Robert Edward Grant to Present at CPAK 2019 Robert Edward Grant will be presenting "Prime Number Polyhedrons: The Science of Musical Geometry" as well…Robert GrantAugust 21, 2019